Enter Espoo Oy Accessibility statement
This accessibility statement applies to www.enterespoo.fi and has been created/updated 19.10.2020. The service is subject to the Digital Services Act, which requires that public web services are accessible.
The accessibility of this digital service has been evaluated by ourselves.
Digital service accessibility status
This website meets all accessibility requirements.
Non-accessible content
The website doesn’t yet entirely meet accessibility requirements. The website might still contain the following content, which has accessibility deficiencies due to the reasons listed below:
The content not accessible in line with the WCAG criteria
- content published by users or other external operators which haven’t been created, funded or regulated by the service provider
- datafiles (for example doc, pdf, odt) that have been created before 23.9.2018
- video or audio recordings that have been released before 23.9.2020
There might be external services embedded to the website in iframe-manner. Case by case, we aim to provide the user with a link where the content can be viewed directly.
Did you find shortcomings or development needs in the accessibility of our digital service?
Report them to us by email, and we will take action to fix the situation. You can send feedback on the accessibility of the new website to www.enterespoo.fi/accessibility-feedback
Supervisory authority
If you notice any accessibility problems on our website, contact us, the website administrators. It might take 14 days before you get a response. If you are not satisfied with the answer or you don’t receive it within two weeks, you can send a notification to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. Their website provides details on how to send a notification and how the case is processed.
Contact details of the supervisory authority
Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Accessibility supervision unit
Telephone (exchange) 0295 016 000