concrete steps towards a more sustainable tourism region
Enter Espoo/ Visit Espoo is running Sustainable growth for tourism companies project to support the development of sustainable tourism and the practical measures, plus helping companies to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic. This project continues the work that CarbonWise and Digital availability and discoverability development projects started.
Sustainable growth for Tourism: Southern Finland
Project objectives
The project has two mutually reinforcing core objectives. It supports the recovery of SMEs in the tourism, restaurant and event sectors impacted by the corona pandemic by developing new tourism products for international target groups while also supporting their export to the markets using digital tools. It also promotes the sustainability of businesses and in particular a reduction in carbon footprint while also creating a competitive advantage out of these. The project is part of a larger family of projects with other sister projects coming from Western and Northern Finland. In addition, the project has a sister ESF project.
Project actions
The project comprises four subprojects that support each other. All project actions apply to the entire project region.
- Espoo will promote the inclusiveness of tourism and cyber security
- Helsinki will develop digital operating models for knowledge management and promote sustainable and carbon neutral tourism.
- Turku will focus on the development of new products on top of Finland’s inherent strengths, which include e.g. cleanliness, safety and silence. In addition, tourism safety will be developed.
- Forum Virium’s subproject is related to knowledge management and will test new forms of data use and introduce them among tourism companies.
The project emphasises joint development and productisation with companies, as well as the export of new products to international markets.
The project is a joint project of Enter Espoo Oy, City of Helsinki (coordinator), Forum Virium Helsinki and Turku Science Park. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the actions for recovery of Covid-19. The funding is organized by Helsinki -Uusimaa Regional Council and Regional Council of Southwest Finland.
Project period is August 1st, 2021–August 31st, 2023.

CarbonWise promoted the carbon wisdom of companies
Project made companies aware of their carbon footprint and the parameters it consists of, found ways to decrease it, and built up a competitive advantage based on a carbon-wise strategy.
This project encouraged companies to re-examine their product and service development and consider the possibilities offered by circular economy and climate challenge-based wise activities. Being carbon-wise refers to implementing company activities in a way that minimises the negative environmental impact throughout the product life cycle and organisation level activities.
Objectives of the project
- To enable companies to understand, monitor and analyse their carbon footprint parameters in order to minimise their carbon footprint.
- To provide companies with means and tools for minimising their carbon footprint as well as ways to implement compensation and carbon handprint activities.
- To encourage companies to aim at having a competitive advantage based on a carbon-wise brand design strategy.
- To promote corporate responsibility at regional level and to encourage innovative solutions, trials and pilots.
- To demonstrate ways to reduce the carbon footprint of cities and to make actions transparent by having a positive impact on the everyday lives of the residents.
The target group of the development actions in Espoo were companies in the tourism industry.
The CarbonWise project was a joint project of Enter Espoo Oy, BusinessOulu and Turku University of Applied Sciences. The project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the “Six City Strategy” and Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council. Project period was April 1st, 2020–December 31st, 2021.
More information: Project Manager Karoliina Korpela
Together towards knowledge-driven destination management
Digital availability and discoverability development project promoted the ability of the digital operating environment in Espoo and the surrounding areas to grow international tourism and aimed to ensure the seamless customer experience of the travelers arriving in the area from inspiration to shopping and recommendation.
As part of the project, Visit Espoo tested a digital platform for knowledge-based management and developed a regional business model to reach tour operators, MICE operators and consumers. The goal of enabling digital purchasing in Espoo and its neighboring areas was pursued by, among other things, developing digital and responsible tourism products and route suggestions and making the supply directly available for purchase in the international distribution environment.
The development project was funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Regional Council of Southwest Finland and Regional Council of Etelä-Savo.
The period of execution: From 1 November 2020 to 31 December 2021.
More information: Project Manager Tiina Backman
Hero image: Antti Kangassalo
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