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Open for tourism entrepreneurs and regions

Visit Finland DataHub, where all Finland’s travel data is in one database, is one of the first national product databases for the tourism industry on a European scale. 

DataHub enables the visibility of travel products in several channels, e.g.,, Visit Finland's BtoB platform, and our own website 

Register and insert your travel products and services to Visit Finland DataHub

Inserting data into DataHub is simple and easy. DataHub enables Finnish travel data to be stored in and retrieved from one single database. Through DataHub, your product data is digitally available, and thus, can be reused by multiple publishers for multiple purposes. Furthermore, using DataHub is free of charge.

 register for DataHub

Easy to use and applicable for multiple purposes.

The Visit Finland DataHub animation.

What is DataHub

  • A database where Finnish travel companies can register and insert data of their company and travel services and products.
  • Through the interface (API) different digital publishers like Visit Finland digital channels and marketing, Global Sales Promotions web applications, regional Visit organisations websites, and different commercial publishers can retrieve and publish travel data.
  • DataHub is free of charge for travel companies and data publishers.

How utilizes the DataHub utilizes Visit Finland's DataHub product database to showcase the service offerings of businesses in the area. All service and product information is therefore imported from DataHub to the website via an interface.


Hero image: Sami Takarautio
