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A woman planting herbs and smiling with two girls blowing soap bubbles in the background.

Espoo's Kera district safeguards and improves urban biodiversity 


Espoo's Kera district aims to be an example of a low-emissions urban area of circular economy and digital solutions. Biodiversity plays an essential role in Kera and Espoo's efforts to act against climate change. This goal is also highlighted in the city's strategy, the Espoo Story.  

A nature value review was initiated in the Kera district in January 2022 and will tentatively be completed in April of 2022. The review will assess the biodiversity present in the area and determine how to develop and protect the existing environment during the construction process. 

Some elements of biodiverse construction include nature-based stormwater systems, sustainable construction materials, and replacing traditional lawns with natural meadows rich in native flora. Free vegetation growth and natural wood decomposition are other ways to encourage biodiversity in urban areas. 

Hero image: The City of Espoo