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Espoo deepens collaboration with Korea in the fields of digital, science and technology


Enter Espoo signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with leading innovation players from the Chungbuk Province in Korea on 20 May 2024: Chungbuk Innovation Institute of Science and Technology, Chungbuk National University, and Korea National University of Transportation.     

The signing ceremony was held simultaneously with the quantum cooperation ceremony with the Future Quantum Convergence Forum/Quantum INformation Standard Association (FQCF/QINSA) in Korea.  

"This is a great opportunity for Espoo and our companies. I have almost 20 years of experience working with Korean companies and public organisations, and Chungbuk is a perfect match for our ecosystem," Ossi Ritvos, Enter Espoo's Senior Business Advisor, comments.  

The scope of the MoUs is to advance mutually beneficial activities that will promote economic growth, open innovation between companies, international expansion of companies, and better collaboration between large and small companies, research organisations, universities, and public sector organisations. The collaboration focuses on artificial intelligence, system semiconductors, quantum technologies, and autonomous driving.  

"In the Korean culture, an MOU is the first step to creating more significant connections. As a city, we are also equivalent partners. Espoo and Chungbuk are both areas near the capital cities, and we both strongly focus on R&D, especially in semiconductors, AI and battery technologies," Ritvos continues.  

A perfect match for Espoo  

Chungbuk is a clean and beautiful province surrounded by magnificent mountains. Now, Chungbuk is also emerging as the centre of the peninsula and the economic centre of the nation.  

"The area is known for its manufacturing industries, ICT, and R&D sites. They have several world-class companies operating and doing research in the province. For instance, the world's second-largest memory chip maker, SK Hynix, is there," Ritvos concludes.  

More information about the MoU signees:   

Want to know more about Korea activities? Just ask Ossi.

Profile picture of Ossi Ritvos



Senior Business Advisor
Social and easy-going, Ossi performs best in complex projects under tight schedules. When a situation looks hopeless, Ossi starts to warm up. As a traditional Finn, business comes before pleasure to him. However, outside the office, you might find Ossi at Nuuksio's remote areas or Espoo's local breweries. And if you're lucky enough to catch him, you're sure to get the friendliest of welcomes — whoever you are.

Image: Jieun Kim, Unsplash