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Finland and Korea join forces in groundbreaking quantum technology partnership


Enter Espoo signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Future Quantum Convergence Forum/Quantum INformation Standard Association (FQCF/QINSA) in Korea. FQCF/QINSA focuses on commercialising quantum computing by connecting top research and leading companies in Korea. 

The signing ceremony took place in Espoo, Finland, on 20 May 2024. Espoo is one of Europe's leading quantum tech and microelectronics communities, home to Finland's two quantum computers and leading quantum players such as IQM, Semiqon, and VTT

The partnership deepens Finland and Korea's collaboration possibilities in the quantum industry. Youngsim Kim, Senior Advisor of Business Finland in Korea, played a crucial role in making the partnership between Enter Espoo and FQCF/QINSA in Korea possible. 

Want to know more about Korea activities? Just contact Ossi.

Profile picture of Ossi Ritvos



Senior Business Advisor
Social and easy-going, Ossi performs best in complex projects under tight schedules. When a situation looks hopeless, Ossi starts to warm up. As a traditional Finn, business comes before pleasure to him. However, outside the office, you might find Ossi at Nuuksio's remote areas or Espoo's local breweries. And if you're lucky enough to catch him, you're sure to get the friendliest of welcomes — whoever you are.

Text: FQCF