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The dog looks at the pier while the man is swimming at sunset.

Meet us at City-Tech Tokyo 2023

City-Tech TokyoのEspooブースへようこそ!

このページでは、Enter Espoo社シニアビジネスアドバイザーの清水眞弓が Espoo 市のイノベーション エコシステムがどのように革新的なイノベーションを目指す企業をサポートできるか、またEspooがCity-Tech Tokyo 2023 に参加する理由について説明します。Espoo はフィンランドを代表するディープ テック コミュニティであり、世界クラスのテスト ベッド、コラボレーション、テクノロジー、スタートアップと共にオープンイノベーションの機会を提供しています。 
Espoo は、2 月 27 ~ 28 日に開催される City-Tech Tokyo にてブースを出展。ブースでは当社より清水が、さらに VTTフィンランド技術研究 センター、トップ スタートアップ 2 社、およびスマート シティ分野の協同組合であるスマート シティ イノベーション クラスターの有識者がお待ちしております。お気軽にお越しください!

Get to know Mayumi Shimizu

"Enter Espoo's wide and strong networks of startups, universities, and other innovation players have helped us a lot." Mitch Nozaki, General Manager of Business Innovation & Incubation, Murata Electronics Europe

On this page, Mayumi Shimizu discusses how Espoo's innovation community can support your business goals. Mayumi will be at City-Tech Tokyo and welcomes you to come and visit Enter Espoo's booth (Hall E2 (B2F), booth #C78) on 27-28 February.

At the booth you can also connect with our innovation colleagues from VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, the startups ICEYE and Navigil, and Smart City Innovation Cluster, a cooperative of the leading Finnish smart city companies and institutions.

What does Espoo's innovation ecosystem offer you? 

"Espoo is one of the best places for product development in Europe. Espoo's innovation players applied for the 6th most patents in Europe in 2021, and more than 400 R&D units are located in the city. Espoo is the perfect testbed with a lot of talent available.

You can connect with Aalto University, VTT, and many of Finland's biggest companies, like Nokia, Fortum, Neste, and KONE, that are located and test solutions in Espoo. 

What are the most significant projects happening in Espoo?

"Microsoft and Fortum's data centre-waste heat recovery collaboration project is definitely one. The collaboration will be the world's largest waste heat recovery project for data centres. Another is Europe's leading bio and cleantech piloting centre that VTT is building. Espoo is also one of the quantum tech hotspots in Europe — with a microelectronics and quantum technology RDI centre being built and Finland's first quantum computer up and running."

What do you get by working with Enter Espoo?

"We give you easy access to Espoo and Finland's innovation ecosystems. We support your business goals by finding the right services, startups, technologies, and locations and connecting you with reliable partners. Then, if you want to find talent or set up an office or R&D unit in Espoo, we're the experts to help you with that."


We hope you'll come and visit Enter Espoo's City-Tech Tokyo booth on 27-28 February. Find the booth at Hall E2 (B2F), booth #C78.

Find us at Enter Espoo booth:

Image: Antti Rastivo
